Wednesday, 20 December 2017

and we grow

o, misogyny is just frightful
but you know what's so delightful?
that women are saying 'no.'
and we grow, and we grow, and we grow

we're showing no signs of stoppin'
'cause the penny's really droppin'
we're shaking off every blow
and we grow, and we grow, and we grow

when we finally put this right
how you'll hate that the truth is the norm
but as women take up this fight
sisterhood's keeping us warm

and despite how hard you're tryin'
your dogma's slowly dyin
and since we've no place to go
well, we grow, and we grow, and we grow

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

careful what you wish for

we listened when you told us
that this word was yours to claim
that penis could be female
and we now should share our name
but we all felt that you deserved
the spirit and the letter
of this, the word you want to share
could we do even better?
so we had a little meeting
and there we all decided
that since you like the word so much
its meaning we've elided
we're giving you this little gift
the word that was our own
the label that you most desired
it's yours and yours alone!
make of this gift what you will
the word belongs to you
define it any way you like
as long as it is true
we'll start again with a new word
that won't tread on your toes
we'll make one up that works for us
it won't be what you chose
so you can all be women
and we'll be something new
that speaks to our reality
like woman speaks to you
what's that you say? you need to know
the word that is our choice?
I'd really love to tell you but
I've gone and lost my voice
we hope you're truly happy
with this leveling of the score
wait - are you fecking kidding us?
-you don't want it any more.

Murray Edwards College, Cambridge University

a college of women's seclusion
addressing their female exclusion
from ivory towers
asserted their powers
to fully adopt a delusion

admission criteria were changed
definitions rearranged
and now if you're really
quite womanly feely
you're in - which is frankly deranged

despite women's feminist gains
one idea still persists and constrains
what defines female?
answers by email
to the college for all ladybrains

offer your thoughts to President Dame Barbara Stocking on what it means to be female, or the need for female only spaces in education, to:

Friday, 15 September 2017


I don't believe in gender and I know that this may vex you
but whilst I might misgender you, I never will mis-sex you.

fuck some terfs up

oh, dear, what can the matter be?
there's a debate in the community library
it's run by women, although they've invited me
asked me to offer my views
they want to discuss the new laws on equality
women and girls and transgender identity
but if I go they will mention biology
let's all stay home and refuse

oh, dear, despite our pullout they all
want to continue with talking about it all
how can they talk by themselves now without us all
why won't these women submit
we'll lobby and pressure and bully the venue
and make sure that free speech is not on their menu
'cause if you don't cancel it for us, well then you
are seen as transphobic as shit

oh dear, we thought we'd shut it down
turns out the meeting is going ahead in town
where's the new venue, lets have a big ringaround
let's go and fuck up some terfs
and when I assault them I'll say they incited me
say they're excluding me, though they invited me
I get to punch them if I feel they slighted me
grind their heads into the earth

oh, dear, someone is filming me
that puts a kink in my big plan for battery
that, and the fact that my clothes are unique to me
but I have got a new plan
I'll pull up my hoody behind all the placards an'
run out and hit her and cause a big fracas then
grab all the cameras and smash 'em to knacker 'em
though she looks just like my nan

oh dear, I just couldn't grab it
my girlfriend will help me, she'll manage to nab it
my mate's fist is aimed at her face like he'll jab it
this granny she won't stand a chance
she's stolen the camera but right from the get go
the granny has grabbed her and seems quite upset so
my girlfriend has smashed it but granny won't let go
it looks like they're doing a dance

oh dear, what can my plan now be
she was supposed to just stop and submit to me
let me assault her and damage her property
she's not supposed to resist
so enter stage left and I'm sprinting at granny
I'm punching her face with my best double whammy
and I'll get away with it cause I'm a <proposed protected category under new gender legislation>
I'll claim she says I don't exist

oh dear, I legged it successfully
left all my mates chanting "kill all the terfs" for me
they're going to stalk them right up to their destiny
make all those bitches afraid
and though there is video showing I hit her
I'm confident that in a trial by twitter
I'll come out innocent; she'll come out bitter
that's how this game is now played

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

page not found

remember when we knew, and it was once OK to say it?
more than just OK, in fact, to speak the truth out loud
a proper moral duty that we faithfully convey it
veracity and candour were allowed

remember when we knew, and still could talk about our bodies
and scientists could talk about the facts about our sex?
we knew that only women bear the burden of childbearing
and what it means to have that second X

remember when we could concede that sex did not mean gender?
we had to know, if we were to be honest; to be fair
you cannot help a woman if you have no verbal tender
to speak of biological warfare

remember when it wasn't wrong to talk of being female
to fight for women's health, to claim our reproductive rights?
to know that what our bodies are dictates our healthcare issues
and doctors all acknowledged these insights

remember when, before it changed, the World Health Organisation
would say all this, in words both clear and sound?
that SEX is real, affects our lives, and 'gender' is insanity
et tu, Brute?

"page not found"

~ R Irischild

When truth wasn't wrong
(click for the full archived page)

Friday, 11 August 2017

a man complained

a man complained, and got shut down, a ladies' swimming session
it hurt his feelz, he couldn't join, he saw it as oppression
how very dare these women choose to exercise discretion
so he set out to make them pay and teach these girls a lesson

our speedo-wearing hero felt an hour every week
for them to swim in privacy amounted to a clique
(and why should women get to swim if fellas cannot peek?)
he wrote a strongly worded letter, full of sharp critique

and lo! a man has spoken, so the management react
they shut it down, for this daft clown, and claimed it broke an Act
(pro tip: don't claim you know the law unless it's based on fact)
and after women put them straight, they grudgingly retract 

see, what you missed, you dopey prat, in your campaigning keenness
is women's right, enshrined in law, to spaces without penis
a right we rather value that goes far beyond just swimming
hashtag SorryButNotSorry - we have Rights As Women

Wednesday, 9 August 2017


Stereotypes are really regressive and stupid, wouldn't you say?
Sugar and spice and all that crap have long since gone away
The yoke of these clichés must be unyoked
Sexist opinions should never be stoked
And what has been learned can be unlearned, society's come a long way

Stereotypes are really regressive and stupid, wouldn't you say?
Like girls love pink, and boys like trucks, dictating the way they play
Sexist jokes should not be joked
Tired old tropes no longer provoked
We all know better and never endorse a chauvinist's old cliché

Stereotypes are really regressive and stupid, wouldn't you say?
Schools and teachers commit themselves equality to portray
When trite, vapid platitudes are uncloaked
as damaging nonsense that should be choked
We all agree, unanimously, that stereotypes should not be invoked*

*Unless they are used to justify trans, and then they're completely OK.

the color pink and rainbow ponies...mother’s heels and nail polish... scarf, draping it like a dress.
"would never play with toys designed for girls and preferred the likes of dinosaurs and Lego"
"The earliest sign was when she was just a baby. She used to wear a tea towel on her head as hair. She would also wear my heels. She would always choose to wear a pink tutu at nursery and would always pick stereotypical girl things over boy things. Another sign was when we took the boys to the fair and they all chose a crossbow and arrow but she wanted a princess set."
"Of course, he chose to dress as a girl. I watched him at the disco, chatting to girls, wearing a pink glittery dress. That was a turning point. “This is actually happening,”

Is It Surprising That Referrals Of Children To The Tavistock Clinic Continue To Soar?

Monday, 7 August 2017

define your sex better

Poor old Catherine.  What a to do.
They treated you badly, and you must sue.
They passed you over, gave smaller paychecks
It's almost as if they knew your sex.

"WE also recognise that the binary words “woman” and “man” do not reflect the gender experience of everyone, and support the right of all to define their sex or gender or to reject gendered divisions as they choose" ~ Catherine Mayer, Women's Equality Party Manifesto 2017

as fast as you can

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake Jezza, my man
Bake me a law, as fast as you can 
Pat it, and prick it, and mark it with T
And wipe away rights for my sisters and me.

he tells her (after Wendy Cope)

He tells her he's a woman too
He has a ladybrain
He tells her his identity
and hers; they are the same
He tells her not to talk about
her body; it's not fair
her body is her privilege
his own, a cross to bear

He tells her that she cannot talk
Or otherwise allude
to what her female body does
It's nasty to exclude
He says respect diversity
except he would prefer
that she would not point out the ways
that he's diverse from her

He tells her that biology
does not impact her life
she should still bear his children
but she must call him 'wife'
He says that words must all evolve
She must learn to make do
And now that woman is his word
He's taking 'female' too

He tells her that a woman is
whatever he decides
He will not put it into words
She must not ask, he chides
He tells her he is more oppressed
Than she has ever been
He says she must agree with him
or else she's being mean

She searches for the words she needs
To talk about herself
The billions who exist like her
their lives, their rights, their health
Whatever word she chooses now
He finds a way to spin it
The conversation carries on

But she's no longer in it

-R Irischild