Wednesday, 9 August 2017


Stereotypes are really regressive and stupid, wouldn't you say?
Sugar and spice and all that crap have long since gone away
The yoke of these clichés must be unyoked
Sexist opinions should never be stoked
And what has been learned can be unlearned, society's come a long way

Stereotypes are really regressive and stupid, wouldn't you say?
Like girls love pink, and boys like trucks, dictating the way they play
Sexist jokes should not be joked
Tired old tropes no longer provoked
We all know better and never endorse a chauvinist's old cliché

Stereotypes are really regressive and stupid, wouldn't you say?
Schools and teachers commit themselves equality to portray
When trite, vapid platitudes are uncloaked
as damaging nonsense that should be choked
We all agree, unanimously, that stereotypes should not be invoked*

*Unless they are used to justify trans, and then they're completely OK.

the color pink and rainbow ponies...mother’s heels and nail polish... scarf, draping it like a dress.
"would never play with toys designed for girls and preferred the likes of dinosaurs and Lego"
"The earliest sign was when she was just a baby. She used to wear a tea towel on her head as hair. She would also wear my heels. She would always choose to wear a pink tutu at nursery and would always pick stereotypical girl things over boy things. Another sign was when we took the boys to the fair and they all chose a crossbow and arrow but she wanted a princess set."
"Of course, he chose to dress as a girl. I watched him at the disco, chatting to girls, wearing a pink glittery dress. That was a turning point. “This is actually happening,”

Is It Surprising That Referrals Of Children To The Tavistock Clinic Continue To Soar?

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